Winery SEO to Attract and Convert Pre-Qualified Buyers
Winery SEO to Attract and Convert Pre-Qualified Buyers
Winery SEO: where does your business rank on Google?
Search engines today have replaced the yellow pages of yesterday. In fact, more people find businesses via search engines than typing business URLs directly into Web browsers.
Effective Winery SEO or Search Engine Optimization
SEO is both an art and a science. Effective SEO strategies rely heavily on link building and content marketing. Link building is increasing the number and quality of inbound hyper-links to your Web site from other sites. Content marketing is keyword laden and strategically published copywriting that increases your search ability. SEO is a science in that the tactics employed (such as link building to increase traffic to a website originating at search engines) change over time based on updates to the algorithms search engines employ to rank sites. SEO an art in that the content messaging must be crafted to communicate to audiences, while simultaneously attract search engines.
Do-it-Yourself Winery SEO or Search Engine Optimization
Small businesses can get ahead by doing the following:
- Sign up for a free Google analytic account. (This is used to search for common keywords that businesses like yours use.)
- Create a list of those keywords.
- Use at least 10 of those words to help optimize your site. (Place them in page titles, copywriting, and image names.)
- Use the same keywords on all your social media sites. (Be sure to always link back to your own web page from those networks.)
- Establish yourself as an expert! Answer questions on other blogs and make comments on other websites related to your industry. Link back to your site from the sites where you are being helpful to users.
Winery SEO Advantages and Search Engine Optimization Results
A study by Optify Research, showed that the top ranking website, “has an average click-through rate of 37%, while 60% of the clicks go to the top three results.” In order to get small wineries to rank high on searches, we design and implement custom SEO strategies for our clients. However, there are a number of steps you can take on your own to have a significant impact. On average our clients receive triple their SEO investment, in their first year. Through sustained SEO, wineries–and even business-to-business (B2B) the businesses that support wineries–can grow sustain, and sometimes grow, that return month after month.