I teach how we help clients increase revenue online in the GO-U program. GO-U is practical, results-forward training with an inspirational finish. Participants get access to the right online blend of mentorship, tools, and training. GO-U empowers small wineries and wine-related businesses to increase sales immediately while acquiring the skills to sustain long-term growth without overtaxing their limited time and cash resources.
Join me for a free taste of GO-U! In our hour together, you will learn the 5 principles my company, DigiVino, used to double email sales for a boutique Napa Winery. I’ll show you specifically how to apply these 5 principles to your business.
~ Pamela
How to Increase Email Sales
A practical, results-forward course for small businesses with an inspirational finish.
5 Principles to Increase Email Sales is a free taste of my company’s online marketing education program called GO-U. The U might might make you think of YOU, and that’s right, because GO-U empowers wine business owners with tools and instruction to multiply online sales, prospect lists and club memberships. The U might make you think of university–and this is an educational program. But GO-U is much more than that. It is a practical, hands-on blend of mentorship, tools and training to sustain that growth long-term, without overtaxing limited time and cash resources.
For the purposes of instruction, in 5 Principles, I will share with wine business owners and marketers the story of one of my clients. Similar to many other small wineries, they were limited in time and money to invest in their online marketing. Yet, using the principles I will share, we doubled their sales with email last year.
This is not an exercise in theory. You will come a way with a practical understanding of five principles you can immediately implement, and some very useful tools. I designed it to be a stand-alone course. Even if you never indulge in the full marketing mentorship system, you will find great substance and value in this taste of GO-U. This is the first time I’ve offered this program to small wineries and wine businesses and I hope you’ll join me!
~ Pamela
5 Principles to Increase Email Sales
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Pamela Snyder founded DigiVino (a branch of GOsustainably) with over 15 years experience in digital media and strategic planning. In the early dot com days, Pamela led the producer team of one of the world’s top three Web agencies, Red Sky Interactive, and launched an online media design company in South America. Since then she has led global, national and regional interactive media and marketing strategy teams for Sutter Home, Miller, Nike, Cisco, Walmart, San Francisco Department of the Environment, Toyota, NFL, Visa, Levi’s, International Fund for Animal Protection, World Watch International and Save the Children. Pamela is fluent in Spanish with proficiency in breaking down cultural, linguistic and online barriers. She has MBA from one of the top sustainability business school in the country (per Fast Company), a passion for travel and a habit of dancing the cha-cha outside on full moon nights.